Saturday, February 27, 2010

February 11, 2010 Seminar

Paul Ellis (left) & Casey Goodwin (right), from CBRE spoke at today’s seminar. They shared with the students how to show the client or owner that facilities bring value to the business. They also shared the importance or need to be technical but also communicate in the business language to upper management understand. They stressed the point that facilities managers must be expert in public relations.

Another of the topics dealt with maintaining proper preventative maintenance on critical equipment. This was great to reinforce the importance to the students because this is something the students are learning in their classes and it was good that professionals also do these things.

They gave the students great advise for when we get out into the industry regarding energy. They said to look into energy consumption technologies to help reduce costs and to find problem areas with the building. Also, that motion sensors, vending machine sensors, and extinguishing common area lights are great ways to save energy. Students were encouraged to seek for government, or other rebates or grants as part of the energy management program.

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