Thursday, July 17, 2008

Presidency Info

A quick list of our Facility and Property Management Student Association (FPMSA) Presidency. Please let us know anytime you need something, we'll happily be there for you.

Bryan Jolley
Cell : 801) 602-1268

Sam Kelly

Domineau Wiley

Tyrel Williams

Nathan Petersen

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Important World Workplace information:

Example Itinerary for October 14th- October 18th 2008

October 14th: Travel via bus to SLC Airport, fly to Dallas, TX

October 15th-17th: Participate in WWP including classes and seminars (see list below)

October 18th: Fly to SLC, travel via bus to Provo

Dates to remember:

August 1st: Confirmation deadline to let us know if you're planning to be at WWP

August 15th: All paperwork and money must be with Lisa Reynolds in 223 of the Snell Building

Cost Breakdown:

$195 is registration fee for WWP conference

$255: includes hotel stay in Dallas for 4 nights, plane tickets to and from SLC to Dallas, other travel

TOTAL: $450

You will still need some spending money for a few meals throughout the conference. The conference pays for most of the meals, but any not provided, the individual must pay for their own meals.

What we need from you via mail or in person- Lisa Reynolds, 223 Snell Building, Provo, UT 84602 (half day she is in 256 CTB)

$450 Cost (see cost breakdown above)

Travel Waiver Agreement: filled out and signed

What we need via e-mail:

Confirmation, stating you would like to attend WWP 2008

Informal First Name:

Full Name:




Are you a first time attendee?:

Do you have any special dietary needs/allergies?

Do you have a rooming preference?

Few points Dr. Campbell would like emphasize:

You cannot participate in WWP If you are on Academic Suspension or have an Honor Code issue at BYU

The trip is NOT a vacation to Dallas --- you must participate in the entire conference

We go as a group, we come home as a group. You need to stay with the group from Provo to Provo. (Talk to Dr. Campbell individually if you have special concerns)

If you don't pay by August 15th, you don't go.

Additional information:

Spouses are welcome to come, but must pay the entire $900, since the school is paying half of our fees, and the spouse is not in the program, they must pay the full price. If you do decide to bring your spouse, we must know at all the same information by the same deadlines and will need to know about the rooming preference.

List of Classes

  • Discovering your Memory Power
  • Using Google Tools for Better Project Management (Dr. Campbell)
  • Developing Business Models for Facilities
  • Future of FM belongs to Higher Education
  • Blending FM and IT
  • Global Facilities Strategies
  • From Green to Great
  • Making the best deals in Real Estate
  • Benefits of LEED
  • Herding Cats FM across several countries(Past Alumni Brent Anderson)